We did it! A quarter of a century of intense work, numerous satisfied clients, and operating at full throttle, which only drives us to take on more challenges.

We did it! A quarter of a century of intense work, numerous satisfied clients, and operating at full throttle, which only drives us to take on more challenges.
Keeping up with the times and investing in our own future, we are responding to climate requirements by installing a photovoltaic system tailored to the needs of our headquarters.
We seem to have good luck with startups… Once again, we are installing a prototype system, which often becomes a viral success in the market after our implementation. 2,600 TONS of steel to handle, but if not us, then who? ????
Once again, a company from the Middle East approached us, and after strong encouragement, we decided to assist with one of the more complex projects in the region
After 25 years of the company’s existence, we finally have a proper headquarters. The building is designed to create a space for creative work in an ergonomic and eco-friendly environment.